Monday, July 21, 2008

summer so far

Some days I come into the agency feeling like anything is possible. I hope tomorrow is one of those days. i missed PICA's 13th birthday at Halocene on Friday I am really bummed to have missed Mega-church. I am going to need to find some sort of job outside of 12 just so i can join the gang when they go out for drinks.
having J.H. running 12 is awesome. He is a really good teacher and coach . we all feel lucky to have the guy that started the program back at the helm.
I have been hemming and hawing about running the 10k next month. part of me would rather not - the lazy part . I need the structure and the exercise so I am going to sign up tomorrow .

still feeling a small resentment about not having any of my music used for the 12 radio station but think the radiostation looks pretty sweet. so i am going to make my own itunes playlist of summer mellow electronica .

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Listen!Little Blue Square, Just do it!

This marks the third week at Wieden +Kennedy and I feel lucky to have been invited to join 12.
Last night I was at the agency until midnight working through a Flash tutorial and made a few forms that would have rivaled that amoeba, I attempting to "flash" it around or something.
Animating Type: I typed, "Little Blue Square , Would you please move from the left side of the stage to the right, Please."

Come on, Please? Dammit, LBS, you suck.
To be sure, I am way over my head,

Saturday, May 17, 2008

So much talent in this group called 12. Some very big personalities, some solid and organized minds and a few that are of the Still Waters School - Running deep. So, last week, one of twelves, an obvious prodigy, a Flash developer, gave me a my first assignment. "Hey, Patrick, Do you think you can you draw me an amoeba?"
I panicked. I was,like, "Do you mean, right now? Can I get back to you on that? " Googgle//images// single cell organisms//search! so I emailed him his amoeba and really felt I had made it my own, having run it through "Liquify" filter, and I emailed to him. Not sure if it was a fast computer or that he was about 3 feet away from me... but that little amoeba seemed to travel the speed of light.
I am thinking this is probably one of the easier assignments I am going to get. So I better get it together.